You are applying for a job at Vista Bakery and you don’t know what to expect from the hiring process. Below you can read about the application, interviews, and assessment tests. Learn about how to improve your chances of getting hired by Vista Bakery today.

Submit Your Job Application

Do you want Vista Bakery to ask you for an interview? First, you must impress them with your résumé and cover letter. Make a strong case for yourself by including the keywords that are provided in the job description and emphasizing your past successes in your résumé. Don’t miss out on your chance to land a great job at Vista Bakery.


Interviews at Vista Bakery are not simple. Expect to face at least one curve ball question. For example, “Tell me a funny story,” or “What era would you like to have been born in?” The interviewer is evaluating your reaction time and the way you formulate your response.

Psychometric Test

Tests are important tools for employers to help get to know you. Many companies ask candidates to take personality tests or cognitive ability tests so that they can determine whether or not applicants would succeed in the role for which they are applying.

What to You Need to Excel on Your Vista Bakery Interview

Learn how to excel on your Vista Bakery interview with these tips.

Don’t Let Nerves Paralyze You

Relax and act naturally.

Know Your Stuff

Set up Google Alerts ahead of time to keep up to date with the latest news regarding the company.

Some Popular Jobs at Vista Bakery

Below is a variety of open jobs at Vista Bakery:

Data Analyst Engineer Product Manager
Project Manager Customer Service Manager Administrative Assistant

List of Common Pre-Employment Tests at Vista Bakery

Vista Bakery often asks candidates to take one or more of the following pre-employment assessments:

Assessment Tools Personality/Job Fit Dispatcher
Supplements Promotional Tests Police Technician

Company Details

Company Address: 3000 Mount Pleasant St

City: Burlington

State: IA

Postal Code: 52601

Phone Number: 3197546551


Industry: Manufacturing

Sub-industry: Kindred and Food Products

SIC Code: 2052