What is the Mechanical Aptitude Test?
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Our our free Mechanical Aptitude PDF test contains simulated questions of the Mechanical Aptitude exam. We have included Mechanical Aptitude sample questions below to help get a better idea of the questions, Answers and explanations which are included in our PDF guide and real test.

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What is the Mechanical Aptitude Test?
The mechanical aptitude test covers a wide range of materials. Which means, most candidates won’t just be able to walk in and take the test without preparing. You should study in advance and take practice tests.
The format of the mechanical aptitude tests differs from employer to employer. Different companies use different assessments, so it is important to do your research and try to figure out which test you will receive. That being said, all of the tests have certain similarities. They are all multiple-choice exams which are administered under time constraints. This means that you need to budget your time accordingly when taking the exam.
What is Covered in Every Section?
Understand concepts related to the transfer of energy.
- Study and know how to define: work and power
- Know the difference between kinetic and potential energy
If there is no difference, chose option 3.
The correct answer is 1.
The “to go”cup is made of paper, which is an isolator. Thus, it will keep the liquid hot longer than the glass cup, which is an open top.
Force and Motion
- Review concepts related to friction and gravity
- Be prepared to encounter questions on; acceleration, momentum, and pressure
- Simple Machines
- Understand how to do calculations and read diagrams related to levers, screws, pulleys, springs, and gears.
What are the directions of movement and velocities of revolution of the cogwheels?
Chose an answer:
- Same direction, same velocities
- Same direction, different velocities
- Different directions, same velocities
- Different directions, different velocities
The correct answer is 4.
We can see from the diagram that the point of contact between the red cogwheel and the rack is in the lower part of the red cogwheel, a position in which the linear velocity induces an angular velocity in a clockwise direction.
In contrast, the point of contact between the grey cogwheel and the rack is in the upper part of the grey cogwheel, a position in which the linear velocity induces an angular velocity in a counter clockwise direction.
Understand concepts related to currents, capacitors, charges, and resistance.
Know the difference between parallel and series circuits.
Recognize basic definitions and facts related to magnets.
As you can see the mechanical aptitude test covers a wide range of materials. Which means, most candidates won’t just be able to walk in and take the test without preparing. You should study in advance and take practice tests.
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