Watson-Glaser Critical Thinking Test
What is the Watson-Glaser Test?
The Watson-Glaser test is aimed to assesses the potential candidate’s critical thinking skills. Critical thinking is an integral skill for most companies. Employers want to evaluate employee’s ability to identify assumptions, dissect arguments, and draw conclusions. They have learned that investing more in a difficult recruiting process saves them both time and money down the line. One of the most widely used assessment tests in the law field is the Watson-Glaser Critical Thinking Test.
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Our our free Watson-Glaser PDF test contains simulated questions of the Watson-Glaser exam. We have included Watson-Glaser sample questions below to help get a better idea of the questions, Answers and explanations which are included in our PDF guide and real test.

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What is the Watson-Glaser Critical Thinking Test?
The Watson-Glaser test measures an applicant’s critical thinking skills. Critical thinking is used in problem-solving and making decisions. Critical thinking skills are especially important for lawyers who are required to evaluate evidence before coming to a conclusion.
What is Critical Thinking?
Critical thinking refers to the capacity to assess a situation, consider varying perspectives, and extract facts and opinions. Critical thinking skills guide you through the problem-solving process. When solving a problem, you are required to identify the problem, parse out relevant information, identify assumptions, figure out a solution and reach a conclusion. The Watson Glaser test is designed to assess these skills
What is the Test Format?
The test is comprised of five sections: inferences, deductions, interpretations, and evaluation of arguments. Each section evaluates a different arena within critical thinking. The test is all multiple-choice questions and it is given online. There is a shorter version which is 40 questions to be completed within 30 minutes, and a longer version which is 80 questions to be completed within 60 minutes.
What is Covered in Every Section?
1. Inference
The inference section will require you to draw conclusions based on given facts. You must read a statement followed by a set of inferences. You will be asked to identify if the inference is true, probably true, insufficient data, false, or probably false. You should choose your answer according to the information given or based on common knowledge.
2. Recognition of Assumption
The recognition of assumption section will provide you with a statement and you will be required to identify if an assumption was made in the statement. An assumption is a statement that is accepted as true without proof.
Proposed Assumption: People will continue to grow grass in future globally-warmed areas.
■ Assumption Made
■ Assumption Not Made
The correct answer is “Assumption Made”.
If grass is not predicted to be found in the future, then evidently there is no need for developing a drought-resistant species.
3. Deduction
The deduction section will present a set of facts and a series of conclusions. You will be asked to identify if the conclusions can be reasonably inferred from the facts. You can answer these questions in two ways; either the conclusion logically follows or does not logically follow.
RE Assets that are located in central areas are not apartments.
■ Conclusion Follows
■ Conclusion Does Not Follow
The correct answer is “Conclusion Follows”.
Real-estate assets = A, very large = B, located in a central area = C, apartment = D, air conditioning = E.
According to the premises, (A -> B/C), (no D -> ~E), which means (D -> E), and (A+E -> B).
The conclusion states (A + C -> ~D).
If (A+E -> B), and (D -> E), then (D -> B) (because D is a subgroup of A). And since (A -> B/C), that means every A that is not B but C cannot be D.
4. Interpretation
The interpretation section will give you short passages to read. Then you will be presented with an interpretation based on the reading. You must decide if that interpretation is rational and can be conclusively interpreted from the reading.
Vicki lost her job because of her illness.
■ Conclusion Follows
■ Conclusion Does Not Follow
The correct answer is “Conclusion Follows”.
The passage states that people who suffer from sleep apnea fight personal battles because of (“owing to”) the illness. Vicki serves as an example of a person suffering from sleep apnea. Therefore, we can conclude that Vicki lost her job because of her illness. Remember, you are required to decide whether the conclusion follows from the passage beyond a reasonable doubt, not whether it follows absolutely and necessarily as in the Deduction section. If you assume everything said in the passage is true, as you are told to do in the instructions, then you can decide that this conclusion follows.
5. Evaluation of Arguments
The evaluation of arguments section will present you with an argument. You will need to conclude if the argument is a strong or weak argument. An argument is considered to be a strong argument if it is directly connected to the statement provided and important.
Yes; parents are responsible for their children’s future and should do whatever they can to help them succeed in life.
■ Strong Argument
■ Weak Argument
The correct answer is “Weak Argument“.
This argument, though of great general importance, is not directly related to the question. The question specifically asked about preparation courses for gifted tests, and the arguments does not even mention them. If, for example, the argument made the connection between preparation courses and success, the argument would have been strong. Since it does not, it is weak.
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