Here you can find information on each step in the hiring process for a job at Valkyire, including applying for jobs, interviews, and pre-employment testing, along with tips and advice on each step in the hiring process.

Apply for the Job

It can be difficult to get your résumé noticed when so many candidates are applying for the same position. Give yourself the best chance of success by crafting a concise, neat résumé that highlights your achievements.


Congrats! It is not easy to get an interview at Valkyire. The interview process starts from the moment you step through the door. So remember to be confident. You can even prepare some natural small talk for the first portion of the interview. The most important thing to do, is to present yourself clearly.

Psychometric Test

Tests are important tools for employers to help get to know you. Many companies ask candidates to take personality tests or cognitive ability tests so that they can determine whether or not applicants would succeed in the role for which they are applying.

  • What kind of work environment are you most comfortable?
  • Can you estimate future job openings?
  • What specific goals other than those related to your occupation, have you established for yourself for the next ten years?
  • What jobs and experiences have led you to your present position?
  • When were you most satisfied in your job?

Some Popular Jobs at Valkyire

Many applicants are looking for these jobs at Valkyire:

Packaging Engineer Merchandiser Business Partner
Customer Service Assistant Customer Service Manager R&D

Prepare for Valkyire’s Common Pre-Employment Tests

You might need to complete one of the following pre-employment tests.

Specialized Item Sets Supplements Personality/Job Fit
Promotional Tests Correctional Tests Dispatcher

Company Details

Company Address: 60 Fremont St

City: Worcester

State: MA

Postal Code: 01603

Phone Number: 5087563633


Industry: Wholesale Trade

Sub-industry: Wholesale Trade – Non-Durable Goods

SIC Code: 5199