Here you can find information on each step in the hiring process for a job at US Marshals Services, including applying for jobs, interviews, and pre-employment testing, along with tips and advice on each step in the hiring process.

Submit an Application

Go directly to US Marshals Services website and find the relevant position. It is best to complete the application in one sitting to ensure you follow through on completion. When you have finished filling in all the pertinent information, review it for spelling mistakes.


US Marshals Services’s hiring process usually involves a short telephone interview to verify the information you provided in your résumé. At your face-to-face interview, you will be asked a number of questions relating to your job experience, relevant skills, and career goals. You may have more than one interview with the same manager, different hiring managers, or human resources managers.

Online Hiring Screeners

The hiring process is becoming more and more quantitative, as companies rely on measurable factors rather than on impressions made in interviews.

What to You Need to Excel on Your US Marshals Services Interview

Take a look at some pointers on how to ace your US Marshals Services interview.

Review Your Resume

Know every part of your resume and prepare talking points. If you are an experienced candidate, you should be ready to discuss graduate or professional school degrees and any gaps in work history. 

Go Neutral

Err on the side of caution and dress conservatively. Avoid gaudy jewelry and bright clothing.

Here are some possible jobs at US Marshals Services

Take a look at some of the hottest positions at US Marshals Services

Police Officer Pharmacist Doctor (Physician)
Accounting Analyst Crime Analyst Nurse

Popular Psychometric Tests

As a candidate you might need to take one or more of the following tests:

Microsoft Word Supplements Assessment Tools
Personality/Job Fit Excel Promotional Tests

Company Details

Company Address: 600 Army Navy Dr # 1200

City: Arlington

State: VA

Postal Code: 22202

Phone Number: 7032742013


Industry: Public Administration

Sub-industry: Public Order, Safety and Justice

SIC Code: 9221