Do you want to be hired by ONeill? Learn what ONeill expects from you during the application process, and what you can expect from the hiring process. 

How To Write a Job Application

In this economy where there are so many graduates applying for jobs, you need to make sure your application grabs the attention of recruiters. The first step is to get your résumé and cover letter right. They should be relatively short (one-two pages) and they should only include relevant work experience. They should explicitly state why you have the right experience and skills for the job you are applying to at ONeill. 


It is not an easy feat to land an interview at ONeill. At the interview, be ready to address parts of your background that might be considered as negative, i.e., low GPA, no extracurricular activities, or little related experience. Make sure you arrive to the interview on time and with the appropriate documents in hand.

Online Screening Exam

If you are asked to take a pre-employment test, don’t panic. These evaluations are merely a way for employers to determine if you have the necessary skills to succeed in the job for which you are applying. You can pass these tests with ease if you take the time to prepare.

How to Succeed on Your ONeill interview

Learn more about the how to succeed on your interview with our top tips.

Be Friendly

Take the time to have some small chat and banter before getting into nitty gritty of the interview.

Take Your Time

Consider your answers carefully. Don’t rush through every question.

Some Popular Positions at ONeill

I have outlined some of the top jobs at ONeill:

Manager Product Manager Program Manager
Merchandiser UX Designer Customer Service Assistant

Common Pre-Employment Tests

ONeill might give candidates one of the following tests:

Personality/Job Fit Assessment Tools Dispatcher
Correctional Tests Supplements Entry-Level Tests

Company Details

Company Address: P.O. BOX 6300

City: Santa Cruz

State: CA

Postal Code: 95063

Phone Number: 8314757500


Industry: Manufacturing

Sub-industry: Rubber and Miscellaneous Plastic Products

SIC Code: 3069