Set yourself apart from the crowd of candidates applying for a job at Newman’s by writing a great résumé and cover letter and shining in your interviews and assessments. We have details of Newman’s’s hiring process that will help you get the job you want.

How To Write a Job Application

You need to check all of the requirements for applying for a job at Newman’s before sending in your application. If there are specific qualifications that they are looking for, be sure to mention them in your résumé. Make a strong case for yourself as a candidate by including all of the right information.


Preparation is key for your interview at Newman’s is important. Hiring, at Newman’s and across the industry, is largely based on the impression candidates make on hiring managers. You must show them why you are the best candidate for the job and why you would be a positive addition to their team. One way to do this is to rehearse answering common interview questions ahead of time.

Psychometric Test

Tests are important tools for employers to help get to know you. Many companies ask candidates to take personality tests or cognitive ability tests so that they can determine whether or not applicants would succeed in the role for which they are applying.


  • Self reliant/ self management
  • Upgrading the productivity of underperforming employees
  • Dependability


  • Attempting to please everyone
  • Double checking work
  • Confrontational

List of open jobs

Here is a short list of the available positions.

Manager Customer Service Product Manager
Customer Service Manager Administrative Assistant Engineer

Prepare for Newman’s’s Assessments

During the job process you might need to take any or all of the following pre-employment tests.

Promotional Tests Personality/Job Fit Assessment Tools
Specialized Item Sets Dispatcher Entry-Level Tests

Company Details

Company Address: 1300 Gazin St

City: Houston

State: TX

Postal Code: 77020

Phone Number: 7136758631


Industry: Wholesale Trade

Sub-industry: Wholesale Trade – Durable Goods

SIC Code: 5085