Here you can read about the hiring process at National Financial Partners in detail. From résumé advice to interviews, we can help you prepare.
Even if you see the open position on a search engine, go directly to National Financial Partners and check if the position is on their job board. It is always best to apply directly from the National Financial Partners website. Update your résumé and cover letter to match the specific qualifications of the job description.
The interview process at National Financial Partners is not simple. You might face various different interviews including a: phone interview, panel interview, HR interview and a skills based interview. Make sure that you do research on National Financial Partners before coming to the interview
Psychometric Test
No one said landing a job at National Financial Partners would be easy! Employers are using standardized tests to help sift out quality candidates. They have learned that investing more money in the hiring process saves them both time and money in the long term.
Learn How to Rock Your National Financial Partners Interview
Impress your hiring managers by using our tips during your interview at National Financial Partners.
Think Strategically
Consider your career and where you want to end up, and think about how this job will help you get there.
Learn During the Interview
Take the time to learn about the company by asking questions during your interview.
National Financial Partners’s popular positions
Here is a short list of the available positions.
Field Promotion Coordinator | Auditor | Claims Adjuster |
Training Manager | Sales Agency Manager | Underwriter |
Common Pre-Employment Tests
These are some of the most popular pre-employment tests used by National Financial Partners:
Account Clerk, Senior | Entry Legal Processing Clerk | Hogan Test |
Cashier | Bennett Mechanical Test | Executive Assistant |
Company Details
Company Address: 787 7th Ave # 49
City: New York
State: NY
Postal Code: 10019
Phone Number: 2123014000
Industry: Finance, Insurance, Real Estate
Sub-industry: Insurance Brokers, Agents and Services
SIC Code: 6411
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