These days, most employers use an intensive hiring process to find the best candidates. Minntech is no different. Learn about all of the stages of the hiring process, including the application, interview, and pre-employment tests.

Apply for the Job

Here we outline some of our cover letter writing and résumé format advice. Include a professional summary—a brief description of who you are and skills and experience you bring to the table. Your résumé should include all of your relevant experience, and it should be tailored to the specific job at Minntech for which you are applying. Include any relevant keywords that you can find in the job description or on Minntech’s website to show why you’re right for the job.


Minntech has an intensive hiring process. The details may vary depending on the position you are applying for, and it may take as little as a week and up to a few months. You can prepare for Minntech’s hiring process by learning about Minntech’s history and values, thinking of examples that demonstrate your work-related strengths, and working on your interview skills.

Pre-Employment Screening

Companies like Minntech want to make sure they’re hiring candidates with the required skills. One way they test for skills is through the use of pre-employment tests such as numerical or verbal reasoning tests.

  • What do you feel is the best educational preparation for this career?
  • What do you see yourself doing within the first 30 days of this job?
  • Describe some of the toughest situations you’ve faced in this job
  • If you ever left your job, what would most likely drive you away?
  • Do you have any advice for someone interested in this field/job?

Below are listed some of the common positions at Minntech

Many applicants are looking for these jobs at Minntech:

Customer Service Engineer Human Resources Administrator
Packaging Engineer Customer Service Assistant Accounting

List of Hiring Tests

Minntech pre-employment tests include the following:

Entry-Level Tests Police Technician Promotional Tests
Correctional Tests Supplements Personality/Job Fit

Company Details

Company Address: 14605 28th Ave N

City: Minneapolis

State: MN

Postal Code: 55447

Phone Number: 7635533300


Industry: Manufacturing

Sub-industry: Allied and Chemical Products

SIC Code: 2836