Here you can read about the hiring process at Klaussner Furniture of Cal in detail. From résumé advice to interviews, we can help you prepare.

Submit your Online Application

Klaussner Furniture of Cal is looking to see what you have accomplished in past jobs and what you can bring to their company. Write a success-oriented résumé that provides concrete examples of challenges that you have overcome and how you have contributed to your past employers. This is the best way to ensure that your application will be approved.


Make sure you prepare at home for your interview at Klaussner Furniture of Cal. It is important that you show the recruiter that you have strong problem-solving, leadership, and cooperation skills.

Pre-Employment Assessments

Do you want to know how to pass your pre-employment assessment? You should prepare ahead of time using widely-available practice tests and study guides.

  • What are your long range and short range goals and objectives?
  • Why are you the best candidate for this position?
  • What are some of your leadership experiences?
  • What qualities should a successful manager possess?
  • Is there anything that will prevent you from working the job’s regular hours?

Most Popular Jobs at Klaussner Furniture of Cal

These jobs are often open at Klaussner Furniture of Cal:

Program Manager Customer Service Engineer
Product Manager Data Analyst Customer Service Assistant

[Business]’s Online Assessments

It is quite common for Klaussner Furniture of Cal to use the following pre-employment test:

Dispatcher Supplements Promotional Tests
Assessment Tools Police Technician Correctional Tests

Company Details

Company Address: 801 Opal Ave

City: Mentone

State: CA

Postal Code: 92359

Phone Number: 9097947661


Industry: Manufacturing

Sub-industry: Furniture and Fixtures

SIC Code: 2512