Discover important interview skills tips that will ensure that you pass your interview and assessments easily. Don’t miss out on your chance to get a job at JBS Packing. Start learning about JBS Packing’s hiring process and start on your way to a new job today.

Submit Your Application

Are you a veteran applying for a civilian job? Many terms that you may have included in your résumé may seem like gibberish to someone with no military experience. Ask a friend who hasn’t served to go over your résumé or submit your résumé to a professional résumé service. Military service can be impressive, but only if the recruiter knows what you are talking about.


Make sure you prepare at home for your interview at JBS Packing. It is important that you show the recruiter that you have strong problem-solving, leadership, and cooperation skills.

Online Assessment

Once you submit your application to JBS Packing you will likely encounter some sort of assessment. Employers are using testing as a concrete metric to ensure that they are finding employees that are well fitted to the open position. It is important to find out if you are expected to take one of these exams and to prepare in advance.

JBS Packing Interview Pointers

Want to make sure you succeed on your interview? Read some of our top tips

Think Positive

Imagine a positive outcome and don’t focus on negative possibilities.

Learn During the Interview

Take the time to learn about the company by asking questions during your interview.

Possible job openings

Learn more about the variuous different positions at JBS Packing

R&D Product Manager Engineer
Human Resources Administrator Administrative Assistant Business Analyst

What Are Common Assessments at JBS Packing?

It is quite common for JBS Packing to use the following pre-employment test:

Specialized Item Sets Supplements Correctional Tests
Entry-Level Tests Personality/Job Fit Dispatcher

Company Details

Company Address: 101 Houston Ave

City: Port Arthur

State: TX

Postal Code: 77640

Phone Number: 4099823216


Industry: Manufacturing

Sub-industry: Kindred and Food Products

SIC Code: 2092