Looking for a new job at Filson Retail Store? We’re here to help. Here you can find everything that you need to know about Filson Retail Store’s recruitment practices, including the application, interviews, and assessments that are all part of the hiring process.

Application Process at Filson Retail Store

When you are applying for a job, you want to make sure that your application stands out in the crowd. The best way to do this is to create a short résumé that is tailored to the specific job for which you are applying and includes all of the relevant keywords.


The hiring process at Filson Retail Store is quite lengthy. If you land an interview you are already half way there. Be prepared to answer questions about your past work experience. If there are any discrepancies in your résumé, prepare explanations in advance.

Online assessments

These are the most common types of aptitude test that you will encounter: personality tests, situational judgment tests, numerical reasoning tests, verbal tests, and logical reasoning tests.

How to Succeed on Your Filson Retail Store interview

Nervous about your interview at Filson Retail Store? Our tips will help you succeed.

Accept a Drink or Snack

This helps to build rapport between you and your interviewer.

Assess Yourself and Develop Career Objectives

Emphasize your transferable skills, as well as your goals. Connect these with the needs of the organization to which you are applying.

List of Popular Jobs at Filson Retail Store

Here is a short list of the available positions.

Sales Customer Service Manager Data Analyst
Customer Service Assistant Accounting Financial Analyst

These Are Filson Retail Store’s Most Popular Pre-Employment Tests

You may be asked to complete one or more of the following pre-employment assessments:

Personality/Job Fit Specialized Item Sets Police Technician
Dispatcher Assessment Tools Correctional Tests

Company Details

Company Address: 1555 4th Ave S

City: Seattle

State: WA

Postal Code: 98134

Phone Number: 2066223147

Website: www.filson.com

Industry: Manufacturing

Sub-industry: Apparel, Finished Products from Fabrics & Similar Materials

SIC Code: 2329