Would you like to know how the application process at ECOLLEGE.COM works? In this article, we outline the steps involved and provide applicants with tips for acing the process and getting hired.

Submit Your Application

Are you a veteran applying for a civilian job? Many terms that you may have included in your résumé may seem like gibberish to someone with no military experience. Ask a friend who hasn’t served to go over your résumé or submit your résumé to a professional résumé service. Military service can be impressive, but only if the recruiter knows what you are talking about.


Gone are the days of one interview. At ECOLLEGE.COM you will likely face multiple people on your interview day. Like with everything else in life, practice makes perfect. Review common interview questions. Make sure you show up on time and are dressed appropriately.

Online assessments

Many companies such as ECOLLEGE.COM use aptitude and personality tests to identify which candidates would be most suited to a particular job and work environment. These tests include personality and skills tests.

  • What is your personal mission statement?
  • If you were interviewing someone for this job, what traits would you look for?
  • Describe the best job you’ve ever had.
  • Describe your ideal company, location and job.
  • What jobs and experiences have led you to your present position?

Available Jobs

Here are some of the open positions available at ECOLLEGE.COM:

Business Partner Executive Assistant Customer Service Manager
Consultant Data Analyst Accounting

Popular Hiring Tests and Screeners

ECOLLEGE.COM frequently requires candidates to take one or more of the following tests:

MS PowerPoint Criteria CCAT Data Entry Clerk
Supplements Microsoft Word Account Clerk, Senior

Company Details

Company Address: 4900 S Monaco St # 200

City: Denver

State: CO

Postal Code: 80237

Phone Number: 3038737400

Website: www.ecollege.com

Industry: Business Services

Sub-industry: Educational Services

SIC Code: 8211