Looking for a new job at Buffalo Air Handling Co? We’re here to help. Here you can find everything that you need to know about Buffalo Air Handling Co’s recruitment practices, including the application, interviews, and assessments that are all part of the hiring process.

How to Apply

Follow these strategies to write a strong letter. Get off to a direct start—in your first paragraph, explain simply why you are writing. Offer something different than what’s in your résumé. It’s rare to send an application letter without also sending a résumé. Make a good case. Close with all the important details.


Prior to your in-person interview at Buffalo Air Handling Co, you may have a phone interview. During the phone interview you will be asked questions about your availability and experience. You will then be invited to a face-to-face interview. At this interview, you will be asked questions such as “Why do you want to work here?”, “What is your greatest strength and greatest weakness?”, and “What challenges have you overcome at work?”. Practice answering these basic questions to come to your interview ready.

Psychometric Test

These tests measure your analytical ability as well as how your career aspirations and personality fit with Buffalo Air Handling Co’s goals and culture.

  • Tell me about a time you made a mistake.
  • Why do you think you might like to live in the community in which our company is located?
  • What qualifications would you be looking for if you were hiring for a position subordinate to yours?
  • Does your work relate to any experiences or studies you had in college?
  • What kinds of experience, paid or unpaid, would you encourage for anybody pursuing a career in this field?

Possible jobs

Here is a list of potential positions you can apply to:

Management Trainee Machine Operator Engineering
Customer Service Maintenance Financial Analyst

Most Common Pre-Employment Tests at Buffalo Air Handling Co

Buffalo Air Handling Co pre-employment tests include the following:

Electrician Basic Skills-General Maintenance
Entry-Level Automotive Mechanic Specialized Item Sets Service

Company Details

Company Address: 467 Zane Snead Dr

City: Amherst

State: VA

Postal Code: 24521

Phone Number: 4349467455

Website: www.buffaloair.com

Industry: Manufacturing

Sub-industry: Commercial and Industrial Machinery and Computer Equipment

SIC Code: 3585