Looking for a new job at API Air Tech? We’re here to help. Here you can find everything that you need to know about API Air Tech’s recruitment practices, including the application, interviews, and assessments that are all part of the hiring process.

Submit Your Application

It is best to go directly to API Air Tech’s website when you want to submit your application. Include the most relevant and updated copy of your résumé and cover letter. Make sure you have three or more references handy to include in your application.


The interview process at API Air Tech is quite competitive. Prepare some key facts about the Industrial Machinery And Equipment in advance. Arriving late is a big no no. Lastly, prepare some questions to ask your interviewer at the end of the interview.

Online assessments

Pre-employment assessments are a popular tool used by employers to evaluate candidates. Depending on the job for which you are applying, you may be asked to take a personality test, a situational judgment test, or a test that measures your knowledge relating to your field.

How to Pass Your Interview at API Air Tech

Get ready for your interview. Check out some of our tips.

Dress to Impress

Your overall appearance should be neat and clean.

Don’t Be Distracting

Avoid fidgeting, tapping your foot, or humming during your interview.

Common job opportunities at API Air Tech

Here is a list of positions featured at API Air Tech:

Business Analyst Administrative Assistant Human Resources Administrator
Merchandiser Financial Analyst Executive Assistant

Common Pre-Employment Tests

You may be asked to complete one or more of the following pre-employment assessments:

Police Technician Correctional Tests Assessment Tools
Entry-Level Tests Promotional Tests Dispatcher

Company Details

Company Address: 91 North St

City: Arcade

State: NY

Postal Code: 14009

Phone Number:


Industry: Wholesale Trade

Sub-industry: Wholesale Trade – Durable Goods

SIC Code: 5084